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Hallgarten takes stock of growth having added 50% to turnover

Published:  28 January, 2025

Few followers of Harpers newsfeed could have missed the massive drive by Hallgarten & Novum Wines to bring aboard new agencies and staff in the wake of its acquisition by Coterie Holdings in December 2023. In the past 12 months alone, some 30 producers, along with 300 wines, have been added to the portfolio, backed by 30 new faces that have joined the team. And the upshot is a strengthened import and distribution business that is a serious force to be reckoned with, anchored by the investment and stability that Coterie has been able to provide.


Cambridge’s Wilson derides ‘government incompetence’ over duty changes

Published:  27 January, 2025

Not only will the forthcoming end of ‘duty easement’ present a huge additional burden on UK wine businesses, but the current claim form for clawing back overpaid excise duty against stated abv is not yet ready, with the excise duty invoice system also not fit for the new regime in one week’s time.


Insights: Beyond the duty easement

Published:  15 January, 2025

Drawn from our turn-of-year Looking Back, Forging Ahead series, we round up suppliers’ comments ahead of the end of duty easement on 1 February.


Soapbox: Time to look beyond duty easement

Published:  18 December, 2024

Barring a near-miracle, it is now highly unlikely that the current UK government will make permanent the temporary duty easement that is ending this coming 1 February. Speaking with Andrew Catchpole for the first of a two-part Soapbox, Miles Beale of the Wine & Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) – who campaigned tirelessly on that matter and helped galvanise the trade – says it’s time to learn the lessons from this “incredibly disappointing” outcome and look ahead to the key bumps coming down the road in 2025. The trade can, he argues, force through more positive and desirable outcomes in the near future, if it pulls together in a similarly galvanised way.


Insights: Taxing times ahead

Published:  13 December, 2024

With the aim of providing clarity for the trade, James Bayley once again highlights what’s coming down the line.